Gössmann, Christoph
Ph.D. in Data Science and Economics (ETH Zurich)
Master in Biomedical Engineering, Medical Physics (ETH Zurich)
Bachelor in Physics (Humboldt University Berlin)
Christoph Goessmann is an Associated Researcher at the Law, Economics, and Data Science Group. He holds a Ph.D. in Data Science and Economics and a M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering (Medical Physics) from ETH Zurich, received legal training from Duke University's School of Law, and obtained a B.Sc. in Physics from Humboldt University of Berlin.
Previously, Christoph worked on data innovation in the Office of the United Nations Secretary-General and on the World Bank's Data and Evidence for Justice Reform (DE JURE) project. He is also the founder of ETH Zurich's SDG Monitor (https://sdg-monitor.ethz.ch).
Selected Works
- external page In-Group Bias in the Indian Judiciary: Evidence from 5 Million Criminal Cases (with Elliott Ash, Sam Asher, Aditi Bhowmick, Sandeep Bhupatiraju, Daniel Chen, Tanaya Devi, Paul Novosad, and Bilal Siddiqi), The Review of Economics and Statistics (2025).
- Pulse of Progress: The State of Global SDG Data in 2023 (with Priscilla Idele, Kersten Jauer, Martin Loinig, Claire Melamed & Tomas Zak), United Nations (2023).
- external page Cable News and COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake (with Matteo Pinna & Léo Picard), Scientific Reports 12, 16804 (2022).