Bechtold, Stefan, Prof.
Stefan Bechtold is Professor of Intellectual Property and Associate Vice President IP Policy at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. His research interests include intellectual property, internet, privacy, telecommunications, and antitrust law, law & technology, as well as law & economics. He was a Visiting Professor at external page New York University School of Law (2014 & 2022) and the external page University of Haifa, a Senior Research Fellow at the external page Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, and spent research visits in Amsterdam, Berkeley, Chicago, Munich, Singapore, and Stanford (2025).
Stefan Bechtold is a member of the foundation board of the external page Study Center Gerzensee (a foundation of the Swiss National Bank), where he is involved in the organization of law & economics courses for doctoral students. He is also an affiliated faculty member of the ETH AI Center, a member of the external page Academic Advisory Board of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, advising the ministry on all issues of economic policy, a Fellow of the external page Society for Empirical Legal Studies and an Advisor to the external page Copyright Project of the external page American Law Institute. From 2018 to 2021, he was Head of the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences at ETH Zurich.
Stefan Bechtold has published in journals such as the American Journal of Comparative Law; Journal of Empirical Legal Studies; Journal of Law, Economics & Organization; Southern California Law Review; Harvard Journal of Law & Technology; Marketing Science; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making; Communications of the ACM; Indiana Law Journal; HotNets Proceedings; and various European law journals. He is a graduate of the external page University of Tübingen School of Law, Germany, and of external page Stanford Law School (JSM 2002). In his youth, Stefan Bechtold composed numerous orchestral and chamber music works which have been awarded several composition prizes and have been repeatedly performed and broadcast.
Research Overview
(As of August 2023)
In general, my research interests include intellectual property, internet, privacy, telecommunications, law & technology, and antitrust policy. My current research is heavily influenced by methodological approaches stemming from social science, in particular empirical, experimental and machine learning approaches in law & economics.
I am interested in expanding the theoretical framework underlying intellectual property law, and in applying novel tools to intellectual property research. Examples include "external page Intellectual Property and the Manufacture of Aura" (with Chris Sprigman), where we explore ways in which intellectual property protects authenticity; and "Automating Abercrombie: Machine-Learning Trademark Distinctiveness" (with Shivam Adarsh, Elliott Ash, Bartin Beebe & Jeanne Fromer), where we apply machine-learning tools to the Abercrombie test in U.S. trademark law.
Conducting experiments in the lab and field, I analyze analyze how the behavior of creators deviates from the predictions of rational choice models and what the implications for intellectual property policy are. Examples include "external page The Valuation of Moral Rights" (with Christoph Engel), in which we conducted a field experiment in order to analyze the value creators in the U.S. and Europe attach to moral rights in copyright law; "Moral Rights and Incentives" (with Christoph Engel), in which we conduct a field experiment on the incentive effects of moral rights; and "Intrinsic Adherence to Law: Physical versus Intellectual Property" (with Gabriel Gertsch & Martin Schonger), in which we analyze different attitudes towards physical versus intellectual property in a lab experiment.
Although privacy protection differs greatly between Europe and the United States, the Internet has contributed to a complex web of national, supra-national and extraterritorial rules shaping global privacy policy. In the paper "external page Regulatory Spillovers and Data Governance: Evidence from the GDPR" (with Michail Batikas, Tobias Kretschmer & Christian Peukert), we analyzed the impact of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on global trade and competition policy. In our paper "The Court Speaks, But Who Listens? Automated Compliance Review of the GDPR" (with Amit Zac, Pablo Wey, David Rodríguez Torrado & Josee María del Álamo Ramiro), we analyze compliance of Android apps with the Schrems II decision of the European Court of Justice. In an ongoing larger collaboration (with David Basin, Ahmed Bouhoula, Karel Kubíček, Filippo Lancieri, Christian Peukert & Amit Zac), we develop tools for automated compliance-checking. We also investigate how to regulate digital markets at scale, using tools from computer science and social science and applying hem to the legal system.
Machine-learning does not only raise new challenges for regulating technology, it also provides new tools for empirical legal scholars. I am involved in research projects on both dimensions. With regard to the former dimension, our paper "Automating Abercrombie: Machine-Learning Trademark Distinctiveness" (with Shivam Adarsh, Elliott Ash, Bartin Beebe & Jeanne Fromer) uses machine-learning tools to automate Abercrombie distinctiveness test in U.S. trademark law. And in a larger collaboration that includes Christoph Engel, Jens Frankenreiter, Kirshna Gummadi, Moritz Hardt, Mike Livermore & Abebe Rediet, we explore large-language models in the law. With regard to the latter dimension, in a project on algorithmic explanations (with Elliott Ash, Aniket Kesari & Daniela Sele), we investigate how the eXplainable AI literature in computer science maps on to the legal debate on explainability.
With my research projects, I am targeting three audiences. My projects are directed either at the legal research community, the law & economics community or the computer science community. The projects in the latter two groups involve co-authors from other disciplines (economics, psychology, computer science) and often lead to empirical or experimental papers. My goal for these interdisciplinary research projects is to delve into other disciplines as far as this is feasible. Over the last years, I have increasingly focused on experimental projects (in the lab, on the Internet and in the field) and on empirical projects that distill information on actual user behavior on the Internet from large datasets. More recently, I have started to explore machine-learning and natural-language processing tools in their application to intellectual property law and beyond.
Some of the interdisciplinary projects are co-authored with (former) members of my research group, while others are with external co-authors. Important collaborators include Philippe Aghion (Harvard University), Elliott Ash (ETH Zurich), David Basin (ETH Zurich), Chris Buccafusco (Duke University), Christoph Engel (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods), Jens Frankenreiter (Washington University in St. Louis), Krishna Gummadi (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems), Moritz Hardt (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems), Daniel Klerman (University of Southern California), Michael Livermore (University of Virginia), Florencia Marotta-Wurgler (New York University), Adrian Perrig (ETH Zurich), Christian Peukert (HEC Lausanne), Christopher Sprigman (New York University), Katherine Strandburg (New York University), and Catherine Tucker (MIT).
- external page A Legal Framework for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (with Aniket Kesari, Daniela Sele & Elliott Ash), September 2024
- external page The Court Speaks, But Who Listens? Automated Compliance Review of the GDPR (with Amit Zac, Pablo Wey, David Rodríguez Torrado & Jose María del Álamo Ramiro), March 2024
- The Valuation of Moral Rights: A Field Experiment (with Christoph Engel), latest version: August 2019; earlier version: external page Preprint 2017/4 of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, March 2017
- Moral Rights and Incentives: A Field Experiment (with Christoph Engel)
- DMA & DSA Projects (with Christian Peukert, Reinhold Kessler, Filippo Lancieri & Amit Zac)
- Comparative Privacy Law Projects (with Amit Zac, Adam Chilton & Raquel de Haro)
- Privacy Intermediaries and Competition (with Amit Zac)
- Probing Youtube's ContentID System (with Sverrir Arnórsson & Christian Peukert)
- Free-Riding, Norms, and Punishment (with Chris Buccafusco, Philipp Sadowski & Todd Sarver)
- Lawma: The Power of Specialization for Legal Tasks (with Ricardo Dominguez-Olmedo, Vedant Nanda, Rediet Abebe, Christoph Engel, Jens Frankenreiter, Krishna Gummadi, Moritz Hardt & Michael Livermore), forthcoming in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2025)
- Property Without Law: Personalized Property Rights Through Smart Contracts on the Blockchain (with Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Edoardo Martino & Gideon Parchomovsky), Yale Journal on Regulation (forthcoming)
- external page AI Regulation: Competition, Arbitrage & Regulatory Capture (with Laura Edelson & Filippo Lancieri), Theoretical Inquiries in Law (forthcoming)
- Intellectual Property and Time: A Behavioral Example (with Daniela Sele), in: Research Handbook on Law and Time (Saul Levmore & Frank Fagan eds.), forthcoming 2025
- external page Intrinsic Adherence to Law: Physical versus Intellectual Property (with Gabriel Gertsch and Martin Schonger), Journal of Law, Economics & Organization (forthcoming)
- Download Personal Property Servitudes Revisited (PDF, 405 KB) (with Daniel Klerman), 99 Tulane Law Review 345-395 (2024)
- external page Automating Abercrombie: Machine-Learning Trademark Distinctiveness (with Shivam Adarsh, Elliott Ash, Barton Beebe & Jeanne Fromer), Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 21 (2024), 826-860
- external page Antitrust, Amazon, and Algorithmic Auditing (with Abhisek Dash, Abhijnan Chakraborty, Saptarshi Ghosh, Animesh Mukherjee, Jens Frankenreiter & Krishna Gummadi), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 180 (2024), 319-346
- external page Kartellrecht und Nachhaltigkeit [Antitrust Law and Sustainability], Report of the Scientific Adivsory Board to the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action, 2024 (lead author)
- external page Intellectual Property and the Manufacture of Aura (with Chris Sprigman), 36 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 291-358 (2023), reviewed by Felicia Caponigri in external page Jotwell
- external page Regulatory Spillovers and Data Governance: Evidence from the GDPR (with Michail Batikas, Tobias Kretschmer & Christian Peukert), Marketing Science 41 (2022), 318-340; see also Christian Peuekrt, Stefan Bechtold, Tobias Kretschmer & Michail Batikas, external page Regulatory Export and Spillovers: How GDPR Affacted Global Markets for Data, VoxEU (Sep. 30, 2020)
- external page Nachhaltigkeitsziele in der Wirtschaftspolitik: juristische Überlegungen [Sustainability Goals in Economic Policy: Legal Considerations], Wirtschaftsdienst 2022, 102(5), 334-337
- external page Checking Websites' GDPR Consent Compliance for Marketing Emails (with Karel Kubíček, Jakob Merane, Carlos Cotrini, Alexander Stremitzer & David Basin), Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2022 (2), 282-303
- external page Digitalisierung in Deutschland: Lehren aus der Corona-Krise [Digitization in Germany: Lessons Learned from the Corona Crisis] (lead author, together with Dietmar Harhoff), Report of the Academic Advisory Board of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, 2021, 48 pages
- external page Forum Selling Abroad (with Jens Frankenreiter and Daniel Klerman), 92 S. Cal. L. Rev. 487-559 (2019), post on the external page Oxford Business Law Blog
- external page Intellectual Property Protection and Innovation in Switzerland, Study, 2019, contribution to the Report on "external page Research and Innovation in Switzerland 2020" (published in French and German) by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, 2020
- external page The Causal Effects of Competition on Innovation: Experimental Evidence (with Philippe Aghion, Lea Cassar & Holger Herz), Journal of Law, Economics & Organization 34 (2018), 162-195, earlier version: external page NBER working paper 19987
- Download Deconstructing Copyright (PDF, 25.3 MB), in: Hugenholtz (ed.), Copyright Reconstructed: Rethinking Copyright's Economic Rights in a Time of Highly Dynamic Technological and Economic Change, Wolters Kluwer 2018, pp. 59-81
- external page The Nature of Sequential Innovation (with Christopher Buccafusco and Christopher Sprigman), 59 William & Mary Law Review 1-79 (2017)
- external page "Sharing Economy" und Wirtschaftspolitik ["Sharing Economy" and Economic Policy], Report of the Academic Advisory Board of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, 2017 (leading member of the working group)
- external page The Consortium of Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disease Researchers (CEGIR): An Emerging Knowledge Commons (with Katherine Strandburg), in Strandburg/Frischmann/Madison (eds.), external page Governing Medical Knowledge Commons, Cambridge University Press 2017, pp. 390-420
- external page Innovation Heuristics: Experiments on Sequential Creativitiy in Intellectual Property (with Christopher Buccafusco and Christopher Sprigman), 91 Indiana Law Journal 1251-1307 (2016)
- external page 3D Printing, Intellectual Property and Innovation Policy, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 47 (2016), 517-536, based on external page 3D Printing and the Intellectual Property System, WIPO Economic Research Working Paper no. 28, 2015
- Commentary on the Directive 2001/29/EC on the Harmonization of Certain Aspects of Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society, in: Dreier/Hugenholtz (eds.), Concise European Copyright Law, Kluwer, The Hague, 2nd edition, 2016, pp. 421-490
- external page Transparency Instead of Neutrality (with Katerina Argyraki, Chris Pappas, and Adrian Perrig), Proceedings of the 14th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets 2015), New York, 2015, 22:1-22:7
- external page Urheber- und Markenrecht im digitalen Zeitalter [Copyright and Trademark Law in the Digital Era], Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht 134 (2015) II, S. 73-121
- external page Disentangling Psychological Sources for Overpricing in Anticommons Dilemmas: Strategic Incentives, Endowment Effects and Interdependence of Outcomes (with Andreas Glöckner & Stephan Tontrup), Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 28 (2015), 224-238
- external page Trademarks, Triggers and Online Search (with Catherine Tucker), Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 11 (2014), 718-750
- external page Accountability in Future Internet Architectures: Can Technical and Legal Aspects Be Happily Intertwined? (with Adrian Perrig), Communications of the ACM 57 (9) (2014), 21-23
- external page Engpassbasierte Nutzerfinanzierung und Infrastrukturinvestitionen in Netzsektoren [Bottleneck-based Financing by Users and Infrastructure Investment in Network Sectors] (member of the working group drafting the report), Report of the Academic Advisory Board of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, 2014, 28 pages
- external page Physicians as User Innovators, in: Dreyfuss/Ginsburg (eds.), Intellectual Property at the Edge: The Contested Contours of IP, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 343-357
- external page The Fashion of TV Show Formats, 2013 Michigan State Law Review 451-512; reprinted in Tripp (ed.), Entertainment, Publishing and the Arts Handbook, West Publishing, 2014 edition, pp. 455-516
- external page Law and Economics of Copyright and Trademark on the Internet, in: Durlauf/Blume (eds.), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, online edition, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 14 pages
- external page Information, Ideology, and Behavioral Public Policy, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 169 (2013), 79-85
- external page Evaluierung wirtschaftspolitischer Fördermaßnahmen als Element einer evidenzbasierten Wirtschaftspolitik [Evaluation of Economic Subsidy Policies as an Element of an Evidence-based Economic Policy] (member of the working group drafting the report), Report of the Academic Advisory Board of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, 2013, 42 pages
- external page An Economic Analysis of Trade-Secret Protection in Buyer-Seller Relationships (together with Felix Höffler), Journal of Law, Economics & Organization 27 (2011), 137-158
- Perspektiven eines Markenrechts jenseits von Informationsasymmetrien [Perspectives of Trademark Law Beyond Information Asymmetries], in: Bechtold/Jickeli/Rohe (eds.), Recht, Ordnung und Wettbewerb: Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Wernhard Möschel, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2011, pp. 993-1003
- Bechtold/Jickeli/Rohe (editors), Recht, Ordnung und Wettbewerb: Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Wernhard Möschel [Law, Order and Competition: Festschrift on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Wernhard Möschel], Nomos, Baden-Baden 2011, 1341 pages; reviewed by Schneider, AG 2011, 724
- external page Google Adwords and European Trademark Law, Communications of the ACM 54 (1) (2011), 30-32
- Die Grenzen zwingenden Vertragsrechts - ein rechtsökonomischer Beitrag zu einer Rechtsetzungslehre des Privatrechts [The Limits of Mandatory Contract Law - a Law and Economics Contribution to a Theory of Civil Lawmaking], 425 pages, Mohr, Tübingen, 2010, reviewed by Kähler, AcP 2013, 446-452; Fornasier, RabelsZ 2013, 670-677
- Google Book Search: A Rich Field for Scholarship, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 41 (2010), 251-252
- Optionsmodelle und private Rechtsetzung im Urheberrecht am Beispiel von Google Book Search [Optional Law and Private Lawmaking in Copyright Law: The Example of Google Book Search], Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht 2010, 282-289
- Der "more economic approach" im Immaterialgüterrecht [The "More Economic Approach" in Intellectual Property Law], in: Möschel (ed.), 50 Jahre Wettbewerbsgesetz in Deutschland und in Europa, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2010, pp. 93-102; Hungarian translation published as "A 'közgazdaságiasabb megközelítés' a szellemi tulajdonra vonatkozó európai jogban" in Jogtudományi közlöny [Hungarian Journal of Legal Science] 2010, 515-520
- Zur rechtsökonomischen Analyse im Immaterialgüterrecht [On the Law and Economics of Intellectual Property Law], Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht - Internationaler Teil 2008, 484-488
- Schutz und Identifizierung durch technische Maßnahmen [Protection and Identification by Technological Measures], in: Hoeren/Sieber (eds.), Handbuch Multimedia-Recht, looseleaf, C.H. Beck, Munich; first version published in the 2nd release, December 2000, 41 pages; second version published in the 9th release, July 2004, part 7.11, 65 pages; revised excerpt published under the title "Digital Rights Management nach der Urheberrechtsnovelle" in: Büllesbach/Dreier (eds.), Wem gehört die Information im 21. Jahrhundert?, Cologne 2004, pp. 145-161; third version published in the 21st release, December 2008, part 7.7, 40 pages
- Die Kontrolle von Sekundärmärkten - eine juristische und ökonomische Untersuchung im Kartell- und Immaterialgüterrecht [Controlling Secondary Markets - a Legal and Economic Analysis in Antitrust and Intellectual Property Law], 147 pages, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2007, reviewed by Podszun, GRUR Int. 2007, 784-785; Kur, IIC 2008, 379-380; Fuchs, ZWeR 2008, 459-463; Ohly, ZGE 2009, 123-128
- Europäisches Telekommunikationsrecht zwischen Dezentralisierung und Kohärenzsicherung [European Telecommunications Law Between Decentralization and Coherence] (together with Jörn Lüdemann), in: Stolleis/Streeck (eds.), Aktuelle Fragen zu politischer und rechtlicher Steuerung im Kontext der Globalisierung, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2007, pp. 167-184
- Urheberrecht als Instrument zur Organisation von Märkten [Copyright Law as an Instrument to Organize Markets], in: Büchner/Dreier (eds.), Von der Lochkarte zum globalen Netzwerk - 30 Jahre DGRI, Otto Schmidt, Cologne 2007, pp. 51-56
- Immaterialgüterrechte und die technische Kontrolle von Sekundärmärkten [Intellectual Property Rights and the Technical Control of Secondary Markets], in: Oberender (ed.), Wettbewerb und geistiges Eigentum, Duncker Humblot, Berlin 2007, pp. 77-92
- Commentary on the Directive 2001/29/EC on the Harmonization of Certain Aspects of Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society, in: Dreier/Hugenholtz (eds.), Concise European Copyright Law, Kluwer, The Hague 2006, pp. 343-403
- Sekundärmärkte und das Kartellrecht - eine Bestandsaufnahme [Secondary Markets and Antitrust Law - an Overview], in: Brinker et al. (eds.), Recht und Wettbewerb - Festschrift für Rainer Bechtold zum 65. Geburtstag, C.H. Beck, Munich 2006, pp. 31-44
- Trusted Computing - Rechtliche Probleme einer entstehenden Technologie [Trusted Computing - Legal Problems of an Emerging Technology], Computer und Recht 2005, 393-404; slightly revised version published as Preprint 2005/20) of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, as well as in Hoffmann et al. (eds.), Geistiges Eigentum im virtuellen Raum, Stuttgart 2007, pp. 137-172
- Weblog at the Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law School: short comments on cyberlaw and trusted computing, 2002-2007
- Master-Studium an der Stanford Law School [Master Studies at Stanford Law School], in: Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristen-Vereinigung (ed.), USA-Studienführer für Juristen, Bonn, 6th ed. 2005, pp. 377-386
- Digital Rights Management in the United States and Europe, 52 American Journal of Comparative Law 323-382 (2004)
- Das Urheberrecht und die Informationsgesellschaft [Copyright Law and the Information Society], in: Hilty/Peukert (eds.), Interessenausgleich im Urheberrecht, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2004, pp. 67-86
- Digital Rights Management zwischen Urheber- und Innovationsschutz [Digital Rights Management Between Author Protection and the Protection of Innovation], in: European Communication Council (ed.), E-Merging Media - Kommunikation und Medienwirtschaft der Zukunft, Springer, Berlin 2003, pp. 333-341 (English version of the book published as E-Merging Media - Communication and the Media Economy of the Future, Springer, Berlin 2004, pp. 331-338); revised excerpt published in FIfF-Kommunikation 4/2004, pp. 45-49; revised version published under the title "Digital Rights Management und der Umgehungsschutz" in: Roßnagel (ed.), Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Eine gelungene Allianz von Recht und Technik?, Nomos, Baden-Baden 2009, pp. 59-70
- external page Value-Centered Design of Digital Rights Management - Perspectives on an Emerging Scholarship, contribution to the INDICARE project, 2004, German translation published in Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis 2/2006, 47-51
- EU: Workshop zum Frequenzhandel [EU: Workshop on Frequency Spectrum Trading], Multimedia und Recht 9/2004, X-XI
- The Link Controversy Page - an Overview of the Legal Problems of Using Hyperlinks, Inline Images and Frames on the WWW, online from 1997-2004
- The Present and Future of Digital Rights Management - Musings on Emerging Legal Problems, in: Becker et al. (eds.), Digital Rights Management - Technological, Economic, Legal and Political Aspects (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 2770), Springer, Berlin 2003, pp. 597-654; excerpt published under the title "Trusted Computing Initiatives - Protecting Virtual Troy or Creating a Trojan Horse?" in: Koenig et al. (eds.), Trusted Computing - Technik, Recht und gesellschaftspolitische Implikationen vertrauenswürdiger Systemumgebungen, Springer, Berlin 2004, pp. 77-99
- Governance in Namespaces, external page 36 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 1239-1320 (2003), abridged version in: Cranor/Wildman (eds.), Rethinking Rights and Regulations: Institutional Responses to New Communication Technologies, MIT Press, Cambridge 2003, pp. 81-112
- Digital Rights Management - Destruction or Protection of the Commons?, Juridische Aspecten van Internet 2003, 162-173
- Review of Andreas Heinemann: Immaterialgüterschutz in der Wettbewerbsordnung, Tübingen 2002, Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht 2003, 221-229
- From Copyright to Information Law - Implications of Digital Rights Management, in: Sander (ed.), Security and Privacy in Digital Rights Management (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 2320), Springer, Berlin 2002, pp. 213-232
- Vom Urheber- zum Informationsrecht - Implikationen des Digital Rights Management [From Copyright to Information Law - Implications of Digital Rights Management], 458 pages, C.H. Beck, Munich 2002; reviewed by Jaeger, GRUR 2002, 868; Peukert, UFITA 2002, 689-713; Meitinger, sic! 2003, 389-392; Spirig, AJP 2003, 157; Deisenberger, Medien und Recht 2003, 68; out of print since 2004, available online
- The Problems of Perfection - Review of Cass Sunstein,, Princeton 2001, European Business Organization Law Review 2002, 237-245
Review of Peter Wand: Technische Schutzmaßnahmen und Urheberrecht, Munich 2001, Multimedia und Recht 9/2001, p. XXV - USA: Der Kampf um das Urheberrecht im Internet [USA: The Fight over Copyright Law on the Internet], Multimedia und Recht 9/2000, XXI-XXII
- Software Patents in Germany - Current Developments, 7 pages, 2000, external page
- Copyright-Management im Netz [Copyright Management on the Net] (together with Wernhard Möschel), Multimedia und Recht 1998, 571-576
- Multimedia und Urheberrecht - einige grundsätzliche Anmerkungen [Multimedia and Copyright Law - Some Basic Remarks], Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht 1998, 19-27
- Der Schutz des Anbieters von Information - Urheberrecht und Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz im Internet [Legal Protection of the Content Provider - Copyright and Intellectual Property Law on the Internet], Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht 1997, 427-450
The course Intellectual Property: An Introduction introduces students to the basics of the intellectual property system and of innovation policy. Areas covered include patent, copyright, trademark, design, know-how protection, open source, and technology transfer. The course looks at Swiss, European, U.S. and international law and uses examples from a broad range of technologies. Insights can be used in academia, industry or start-ups.
The seminar Big Data, Law & Policy introduces students to societal perspectives on the big data revolution. Discussing important contributions from machine learning and data science, the course explores their legal, economic, ethical, and political implications in the past, present, and future.
In the course Public Institutions and Policy-Making Processes students acquire the contextual knowledge for analyzing public policies. They learn why and how public policies and laws are developed, designed, and implemented at national and international levels, and what challenges arise in this regard.
The Workshop and Lectures Series in Law and Economics is a joint seminar of ETH Zurich and the Universities of Basel, Lucerne, St. Gallen and Zurich. Legal, economics, and psychology scholars will give a lecture and/or present their current research. All speakers are internationally well-known experts from Europe, the U.S. and beyond.
The Workshop & Lecture Series on the Law & Economics of Innovation is a joint project by ETH Zurich and the Universities of St. Gallen and Zurich. It provides an overview of interdisciplinary research on intellectual property, innovation, antitrust and technology policy. Scholars from law, economics, management and related fields give a lecture and/or present their current research. All speakers are internationally well-known experts from Europe, the U.S. and beyond.