"The Right to be Forgotten" - CLE Vlog with Prof. Christopher Yoo (University of Pennsylvania)

In the new episode of the CLE vlog & podcast series, Christopher S. Yoo (University of Pennsylvania) and Christophe Gösken (ETH Zurich) talk about Prof. Yoo's study "An Economic Analysis of the Right to be Forgotten". The so-called “right to be forgotten” has gained prominence under the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and similar regulatory frameworks have recently been introduced in US state privacy statutes.

Commentators have largely defined the right to be forgotten as a clash between the privacy interests of data subjects and the free speech rights of data controllers. However, framing the issues as a clash of individual rights ignores how giving data subjects the ability to render certain information unobservable can give rise to systemic effects that can harm society as a whole.

external page Christopher Yoo's analysis external page An Economic Analysis of the Right to Be Forgotten fills this gap by exploring the implications that adverse selection, moral hazard, and the emerging policy intervention know as “ban the box” have on the right to be forgotten. In this vlog episode, Prof. Yoo discusses his study with Christophe Gösken, PhD student at ETH Zurich's Center for Law & Economics.

To watch the vlog, click on the YouTube video below.

To listen to the podcast, please click on the podcast image.

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